Thursday, December 2, 2010

Best 3D Animation Maker for Beginner

I finally found the best 3D animation maker for beginners! It's about time that some people put out a simple yet powerful software like this!

I am truly thrilled about this software. I've always wanted to create my own fantasy land on my computer screen and share them with the my friends and everybody else. Being a total noob in 3D animation making, it's no easy task! I've tried professional softwares like "Autodesk Maya" "3Ds Max". Those "BIG" 3D softwares didn't get me anywhere! Maybe they are powerful, but they are impossible to use for a beginner like myself!

Lucky for me, a friend on a digital art forum told me about this ridiculously simple yet VERY powerful 3D animation maker. By now, I think most people in the industry have heard about it more or less. It's called illusionMage (Here is a link if you are interested:

Like everyone else, I was shocked by the effectiveness of this software. After receiving it, I started to follow the tutorial video that came with it immediately! Oh man, after watching it for 20min, I know in my heart this is the software for me! My dream in making cutting-edge 3D animation is within my grasp now!

Thank you illusionMage! For making it possible for beginners like me!

I just want to share my joy with the world :D

I encourage everyone to pursuit their passion. What could be better than creating your own fantasy world? The technical issues are out of the way with the help of illusionMage, now it's time for your creativity and imagination to take over!

I am one happy animation maker :)

More information here:

1 comment:

  1. Hope it's helpful guys! This is really the best 3D animation for beginners!
